

Atlas Copco jobs - Where your journey begins

Your first day at Atlas Copco will be the first day of an exciting journey. We offer a wide range of challenging jobs, serving all kinds of industries around the globe. With us, your ideas can improve the quality of life for people everywhere. Join us at the Home of Industrial Ideas.

A global, inclusive and mission-driven culture

Imagine yourself working in a company shaped by endless innovation. With us, you are given plenty of freedom to follow your ambitions and act as an entrepreneur, surrounded by the stability of a leading company. When you join Atlas Copco you get a great deal of responsibility from day one. Why? Because we know that you have the drive and the ability to make sound decisions – and will ask for help when you need it. 

We feel strongly about promoting equal opportunities and growing sustainably with a long-term perspective. Discover more about our approach to diversity and inclusion.
